Clinical Hypnotherapy for Sleep Problems

Do you have difficulty falling asleep or sleeping for the full 8 hours?

Hypnosis is a proven solution to help regain control over your sleep patterns.

There are many reasons why your sleep patterns are being disrupted. Stress and anxiety is a common issue and can lead to disruptive sleeping patterns. You may be worrying about certain situations leading to the body to create adrenalin meaning you are not relaxed. It may be an emotional issue which plays in your mind again and again.

Changing your habits may help too. For example eating meals earlier in the evening, cutting down on stimulants such as coffee, tea, cigarettes and alcohol will help. You may have developed bad sleeping habits such as reading in bed, watching TV before bed and playing video games can all contribute a bad nights sleep. Getting more exercise and eating healthy will dramatically change the quality of your sleep for the better.

Can hypnotherapy help sleep Issues?

Whatever the cause of your sleep problems, hypnosis is an extremely effective drug free therapy to help you find the root cause of your sleep related issues.

And now there is mounting evidence to prove it…

In a study published in the scientific journal ‘Sleep‘, researchers at the University of Zurich have demonstrated that hypnosis has a positive impact on the quality of sleep, to a surprising extent. 

Many clients have reported the following positive changes:

What to expect from me as a clinical hypnotherapist...

As a fully qualified sleep hypnotherapist registered with the General Hypnotherapy Council, I undertake regular training to maintain the latest techniques to ensure a positive outcome for your sleep issues.

Free Consultation

This process begins with a free 30 minute consultation where I can find out more about your sleep issues including:

Three Personalised Consultations

Your free consultation is followed by three one-hour personalised consultations which involve guiding you through verbal cues to induce deep relaxation and a trace like state.

These sessions will involve guided imagery; focused attention techniques and suggestion therapy to ensure you return to a healthy sleep routine and sleep behaviour.

If you would like to book a free 30 minute sleep consultation, complete the form below and I’ll be in touch to arrange a convenient appointment.

Esther Barnes - Clinical Hypnotherapist

Esther Barnes (Dip Hyp)

Clinical Hypnotherapist

How to book your free sleep hypnotherapy session...

Simply enter your details below and I will respond with some suggested appointment dates and times taking into account the current social distancing requirements.

Free Initial Consultation Form