Clinical Hypnotherapy for Phobias and Fears

Does your phobia or fear control your life?

It is very common to be afraid of something and in fact to be fearful of something is necessary for our survival. Fear ensures that we avoid danger and therefore keeps us safe.

The fear associated with Phobias is different as it serves no benefit to you and in many ways hinders your way of life and may prevent you from enjoying life. 

The root cause of a phobia will differ between each person however essentially the phobic response is caused by a faulty survival mechanism. The subconscious mind does not know the difference between what is and what is not reality. It puts safe guards in place to protect its owner from what it perceives to be a real danger.

The good news is you don’t have to put up with this fear or phobia any more. No matter what your fear is or the intensity of it, the techniques I use can help you move on with your life. The subconscious mind responds very quickly to hypnotic suggestions and in most cases only requires one session.

The subconscious mind responds very quickly to hypnotic suggestions and in most cases only requires one session.


Hypnotherapy for dentist phobia

Does the thought of Visiting the Dentist fill you with dread?

You are not alone.

Between 30% to 75% of adults experience some level of anxiety and fear from visiting the dentist.

Your fear maybe so severe that you have not seen a dentist for years, meaning potentially serious consequences for your health and wellbeing. 

The good news is that hypnotherapy can be very effective at managing this fear by helping you to relax and take control of the anxiety and other negative feelings.

Whether your fear was caused by a previous negative experience, an associated fear of needles or choking and being unable to breathe properly you no longer have to suffer.

You will be amazed at how effective hypnotherapy will be for you and you can once again feel confident and pain free.

Does a fear of flying stop you enjoying travel and holidays?

It’s estimated that between 20%-40% of people will suffer from anxiety whilst flying, making this one of the most common types of phobia.

There are many aspects to this fear which triggers the anxiety such as packing to go on holiday, travelling to the airport and boarding the plane. The extent of the fear can range from mild anxiety to sheer terror resulting in the avoidance of flying altogether.

The fear of flying can get in the way of making the most of life’s experiences from going on holidays abroad to taking those important business trips. You may feel embarrassed about your fear because its irrational but your subconscious mind believes that the fear is real and is just protecting you.

The good news is that this fear is learnt and can therefore be undone or reprogrammed. By working with your subconscious mind I can use techniques that can access and communicate with your subconscious to overcome your fear and even help you to enjoy flying.

If you want to look forward to your holidays or go on that once in a lifetime holiday abroad, then don’t delay any longer. Get in touch and start seeing the positive results through clinical hypnotherapy.

Esther Barnes - Clinical Hypnotherapist

Esther Barnes (Dip Hyp)

Clinical Hypnotherapist

What to expect from me as a clinical hypnotherapist...

As a fully qualified hypnotherapist registered with the General Hypnotherapy Council, I have worked with many clients to overcome their fears and phobias which were holding them back from what they can really achieve.

I will work with you to help you gain control over your fears so you have the power to overcome them. You will have the tools to be able to handle and deal with challenges effectively. We will work together to help you to manage and deal with any obstacle in your way so you can enjoy life and feel more calm, relaxed and in control. 

Free Consultation

This process begins with a free 30 minute consultation where I can find out more about your fear or phobia including:

A Tailored Phobia Programme of Three Personalised Consultations

Your free consultation is followed by three one-hour personalised consultations which involve guiding you through verbal cues to induce deep relaxation and a trace like state.

These sessions will involve guided imagery; focused attention techniques and suggestion therapy to ensure that you can effectively overcome your negative thoughts and patterns in order to overcome any irrational fear. 

If you would like to book a free 30 minute consultation, complete the form below and I’ll be in touch to arrange a convenient appointment.

How to book your free phobias and fears hypnotherapy session...

Simply enter your details below and I will respond with some suggested appointment dates and times taking into account the current social distancing requirements.

Free Initial Consultation Form