Clinical Hypnotherapy for Confidence and Self esteem

Do you have feelings of self-doubt and lack self-confidence?

Low confidence and low self-esteem are very common and there are many reasons why you feel the way you do.

But when it becomes a long term problem it can have harmful effects on our mental health and day to day activities. These reasons will be individual to you and your own life experiences. The way you think about yourself is key to this.

The common symptoms of low self-esteem and confidence are:

Living with low self-esteem and confidence can harm mental health and can lead to other issues such as depression and anxiety. It can potentially lead to a greater reliance on drinking or smoking as a way of coping.

Man looking into mirror with low self esteem

How Hypnosis can help boost your self-esteem and confidence

Have you ever noticed your own thoughts about yourself?

I’m guessing you haven’t, but if you did you may find that they are mainly critical and negative. The great news is you have control over what you think about yourself. You can change your thought patterns and perception of yourself meaning you will believe in yourself and ultimately become a happier person.

Many clients have found that with the use of hypnotherapy they have become:

What to expect from me as a clinical hypnotherapist...

My program, ‘Reclaiming Your Self Esteem and Confidence’ will help you to identify your negative self-talk and replace this with positive self-affirmations. It will identify areas and aspects affected most and will improve coping abilities, address past potential causes, and find renewed hope and positivity.

We will work together to discover what has influenced your feelings about yourself. It may be something that happened in the past maybe when you were at school or work. You may lack confidence in social situations, with taking examinations, job interviews or in a public speaking capacity. Whatever it may be I can help you to build your confidence and gain control of your thoughts and your self imagine.

Free Initial Consultation

This process begins with a free 30 minute consultation where I can find out more about your confidence issues including:

3 Personalised Therapy Consultations

Your free consultation is followed by three one-hour personalised consultations which involve guiding you through verbal cues to induce deep relaxation and a trace like state.

These sessions will involve guided imagery; focused attention techniques and suggestion therapy to help you eliminate the negative self-talk and boost your confidence and self-image. 

If you would like to book a free 30 minute consultation, complete the form below and I’ll be in touch to arrange a convenient appointment.

Esther Barnes - Clinical Hypnotherapist

Esther Barnes (Dip Hyp)

Clinical Hypnotherapist

How to book your free hypnotherapy session...

Simply enter your details below and I will respond with some suggested appointment dates and times taking into account the current social distancing requirements.

Free Initial Consultation Form