Esther Barnes

I am a qualified clinical Hypnotherapist based in Sheffield and registered with the General Hypnotherapy Register (8777). Using the latest hypnosis treatments, I help clients experience freedom from a wide range of physical, emotional and psychological problems.

Esther Barnes - Clinical Hypnotherapist
Athletic performance

How Hypnosis for Sport Can Improve Training & Performance During Lockdown

The world continues to be gripped by the Coronavirus global pandemic. It affects everyone, including top-notch athletes, unable to physically train as they would like. Athletes require many attributes to excel at their chosen sport- practice, determination and skill are but a few. BUT … “Sport is 10% physical and 90% mental.” Whoever coined the …

How Hypnosis for Sport Can Improve Training & Performance During Lockdown Read More »

Virtual holiday in Maldives

Take a Virtual Holiday to Beat the Lockdown Blues

As the UK’s COVID-19 lockdown continues and the government warns Britons against making holiday plans just yet, many people may find their state of mind slipping downwards without their annual summer trip to look forward to. So in response, I’ve created five virtual holiday audio tracks to help people travel to their favourite destination – …

Take a Virtual Holiday to Beat the Lockdown Blues Read More »

Hypnotherapy for relief of Stress and Anxiety

Coronavirus Chaos – How To Manage Stress & Anxiety in Uncertain Times

I don’t need to tell you that the world is in the grip of a global pandemic. We are living in extremely uncertain times – and that uncertainty can be difficult to cope with. You may feel worried right now. You may struggle to keep anxious thoughts in check. And you may feel unsure about …

Coronavirus Chaos – How To Manage Stress & Anxiety in Uncertain Times Read More »